I went on a hike today into the foothills of the Sandia Mountains with my Webelos scout troop. What a fun hike. 2.7 miles round trip. Not too far but it was great non-the-less. We also had 2 of the kids Dad's come and one of the kids brother came as well. We did it to help them get their outdoorsman pin. Webelos has been so fun. We have been able to do some pretty fun activities but the best part is a boy named Tyson. His Mom was born a member of the church, which is how we knew about them, but they are long time inactive. So we decided to go visit Tyson and his Mom to see if Tyson would want to be part of our scout troop. After talking with Janeal and Tyson for a bit they both seemed excited. Now this is cool because there were a few attempts before to get Tyson to come and he never did. I guess timing is everything. The neatest thing has been getting to know the family, Tyson is actually the one who brought his brother on the hike, he is 23 years old. Tyson is standing in front of me with a black shirt on and his brother is in the back with the white shirt. Now who knows where all of this will lead with the Lindeman family, I like knowing that Im simply doing what I believe Christ would have me do, and that is be a friend and loveing to everyone I meet, and be an example and strong representative of the Church and the Priesthood. Ill let the Lord take care of the rest.
Pegboard Corner Desk Tutorial
4 years ago
That's cool man. Scout stuff is fun. We're gearing up for a 3 day 100 mile bike trip in Moab this June for the older boys. Good job on reaching out to those in need of gospel blessings. We just had a 70 rep. come talk to us in Priesthood Leadership meeting and he said most of the inactivity in the Church occurs at age 14-16 for young men. My advisor and I(we're over the 14-15 yr olds) have decided to just be "their age" a do the activities they want and what's interesting to them. It's brought out 3 boys that haven't been active. Keep up the good work!
Zach - you guys are awesome! I admire your zest for your callings and for life in general - it's refreshing. We are all blessed to have you and Caitlin around!
Thanks for sharing! You never know when your efforts will touch someone. SO cool. My oldest son just turned 10 and is now in Webelos. He loves it!
Hey Zach and Caitlin!! I am so glad I found your blog! My Mom told me you two moved to New Mexico. That is so exciting. Congrats on the baby on the way!!! And congrats on going through the temple. That is so great!! Just wanted to say hi and wish you all the best!!
Lindsey (Jacobs) Forrest
Congrats are due to you two (Zach, you don't know me but oh well). So excited to hear you are having a boy! They are the best, and congrats on going through the temple and getting sealed! What an amazing few months you guys have had! You are in for an adventure, but it's worth the wait!
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